Thursday 24 February 2022

Importance of case study in academia

 Producing knowledge and finding out ways for unsolved problems are somewhat objectives of higher education. For letting this done in real life, it is much needed to put more effort into research and studying the problem for each possible outcome, than then compiling the findings in the form of a report. This is technically known as the case study, mostly done by students of undergraduate and postgraduate during their stay at college. Many research organizations and the corporate sector also do this, to optimize their operation and increase profits. The most of times it is the student that is doing this, they are mostly from business and social sciences, that are doing this. As they do not have more complex formulas to represent any physical event. They have to study all in the natural form, find out the possible factors, and then give a suggestion on it.

importance of case study

At a glance, it looks very easy to compile all this without facing any difficulty, but that is not the case in general. For complete and efficient reports, thorough study along with good participation in all respects is much needed. That is why most students get annoyedby this, as for every subject they have to make these reports. So they are for looking for shortcuts so that their time and efforts can be preserved. For this purpose, several alternatives are there on the table, and students are more inclined towards them.

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