Showing posts with label AltText. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AltText. Show all posts

Sunday 6 March 2022

An Alt Tag for SEO: How to Optimize Your Website Images?

 Alt Tag for SEO: Let us share with you some interesting information about the Alt text. This can be a secret ingredient of your SEO recipe. 

Starting with what is Alt Text, how to optimize your website images

What is “Alt Text (Alternative text)?”

Alternative Text is a short description of the image which explains the image to the search engine. Alt Text is written in HTML, but the text is not visible on the page. 

According to Google’s guidelines, the alt text description should be short which should represent the image, its content, purpose, or function. 

Why is the Alt Text (Alternative text) is important in SEO? 

There are many important factors, but the two most essential reasons why is alt text important in SEO. The first reason is appearing on search engine result pages and the other is the convenience of visually impaired people.

Orignally Published By :

Friday 28 January 2022

An Alt Tag for SEO: How to Optimize Your Website Images?

 Alt Tag for SEO: Let us share with you some interesting information about the Alt text. This can be a secret ingredient of your SEO recipe. 

how to optimize your website images ? Starting with what is Alt Text, take a look to know the details. 

What is “Alt Text (Alternative text)?”

Alternative Text is a short description of the image which explains the image to the search engine. Alt Text is written in HTML, but the text is not visible on the page. 

According to Google’s guidelines, the alt text description should be short which should represent the image, its content, purpose, or function. 

Why is the Alt Text (Alternative text) is important in SEO? 

There are many important factors, but the two most essential reasons why is alt text important in SEO. The first reason is appearing on search engine result pages and the other is the convenience of visually impaired people. 

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