Showing posts with label kidsmonitoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kidsmonitoring. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 March 2022

How Computer Monitoring Saves Our Kids’ Life?

 The need for computer monitoring is becoming more and more pressing nowadays for many reasons. The current pattern has found traces in the augmented instances of cyberbullying and harassment attacks targeted at kids.

The problems of cyber predating, sex offending, phishing, scamming, harassment, and cyberbullying have urged the parents to incorporate an extensive protocol and mechanism for child security and safety.

The kids facing these issues start isolating them; they do not take part in social gatherings and don’t go to their friend’s circle. The problem starts haunting them even more when they don’t share the depleting situation with their parents and family members.

They do not share the problem with anyone because of the fear of reputation and credibility loss in the family’s eyes. The reason for the rise of these problems is the excessive use of digital networks and gadgets by the kids.

Nowadays, kids use unsupervised internet, which paves a way into exploiting them, the cyber criminals and kids offenders do this for many reasons. The most pressing reasons include gaining monetary benefits through identifying the financial details of the parents of the kids.

The child offenders do this by getting into the lives of kids; they initially get connected to the kids through the internet and get into their personal network, then after knowing their personal life secrets.

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